Best of 2020 - Part 1: My Favorite Podcasts

While it feels a little funny to write a title with both “2020” and “best of” it’s true that there was some real beauty that happened this year.

As an optimist in training it’s my duty to dig deep and find all the gems. I’m starting off here with my absolute favorite podcasts of 2020.

I spend HOURS during the summer doing manual labor (weeding, cutting, turning compost, making bouquets, delivery driving, etc) which means I have hours of time to think. But when I need a little entertainment, education or thought provocation, I turn to a good podcast :)

Here’s to hoping you might also find some valuable gems in the list below!

Personal Growth & Inspiration

Unlocking Us - Brene Brown. WOW. If you want some deep thinking and exposure to a lot of amazing books/authors, you gotta listen. Brene is an amazing social researcher and stunning interviewer. I pretty much write down the book of every author she interviews as a “must read”. Plus she has a two part series on “How to Apologize”… haha! (which is amazing).

Learning How to See - Brian McLaren, Jacqui Lewis, Richard Rohr. This podcast has a strong christian lean and while I don’t identify with any religion I love listening to these three explore how and why people see things the way they do. And can I say how helpful this has been for me during this turbulent time in our country?!

How to Save a Planet - Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Alex Blumberg. Interesting and provoking discussion on climate change and what we can do. While it’s easy to go down the doomsday rabbit hole, these folks help keep it real and explore actual solutions while delving deep into questions like: are electric cars actually better for the earth?

Code Switch - Shereen Marisol Meraji, Gene Demby. Talk about race and current events. Since I live a very white-washed life I need to constantly be educating myself and listening to other voices that come from folks that have different experiences than me. I’ve heard some really interesting stuff on this podcast! And hopefully I’m a better person because of it.


The Gary Vee Audio Experience - Gary Vee. It’s always just an inspiration to listen to this guy. Wanting to start a business? Or a personal brand? Or just get pumped up about life? Go here.

The Profitable Mindset - Charlotte Smith. Charlotte is my go-to for anything related to farm and business. It’s rare to get really good info about managing a thriving farm business. And she has you covered. All the info is also pertinent to any sort of product based business.

Seth Godin’s Startup School - Seth Godin. So much good info on taking your idea and turning it into a business! This is a recording from an actual training he did with a bunch of business launchers.

Pure Comfort

This American Life - Ira Glass. I first listened to '“This American Life” almost 20 years ago. I was sitting in my tiny cabin in the woods on San Juan Island and was instantly mesmerized.

It was a story recorded by a woman who had cystic fibrosis. The entire episode was her recording daily life with this disease. I didn’t know radio could be like this! I’ve been an avid listener ever since. Ira Glass has come to be a voice of home for me.

Marketplace - Kai Ryssdal. My weekday is not complete without the voice of Kai Ryssdal speaking on our economy. No matter the turn of events, he makes economics fascinating and soothing at the same time.

Interesting Thought

Unfinished. The two series so far are “Deep South” and “Short Creek”. The first investigates one (of many) lynchings in hopes to find the ultimate culprit. Along the way you are reminded of (or educated on) the extent of racism in our country.

“Short Creek” looks closely at a fundamentalist Mormon community and the disturbing and complex relationships there. Neither of these is for the faint of heart. Fascinating, disturbing and chilling.

Nice White Parents - Chana Joffe-Walt. I sent my son off to kindergarten this year. Which of course, thanks to the pandemic, meant we made a space in the front room for a desk and his school work. But I seriously agonized about school choice. And still sort of am.

This podcast follows schools in New York City and highlights the real issues around what’s wrong with our schools. And according to the episode notes, “you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force shaping them: white parents”.

Where Should We Begin - Esther Perel. Esther is a famous couples therapist who does a one time therapy session with folks for her podcast.

I heard her say that she started this podcast because she hopes people will see themselves in the people she works with in order to learn more about themselves and their relationships. And let me just say, I have.

There Goes the Neighborhood - WNYC. I never really thought gentrifying had anything to do with me so sort of shrugged it off (not proud of this). Seriously folks, gentrifying is complex, sad, and racist.

This podcast really opened my eyes to some of the struggles folks face in regards to housing, racism and the gentrifying of neighborhoods from New York to LA to Miami.

Whew! There it is. The official “Turnstone Farm’s Best Podcasts of 2020”. I hope you find a bit of value in some of these.

Do you have any to add to my list? Comment below to tell me what you’ve been listening to and loving!


Best of 2020 - Part 2: My Absolute Favorite Flowers of 2020


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