My House is a Mess

Recently my husband and I took the “Working Genius” quiz, formulated by Pat Lencioni. Which I highly recommend and sort of blew our minds.

It was of little surprise that we both do not thrive in the genius of “Tenacity”. Finishing tasks to the end brings neither of us any joy. Paying bills? Freaking boring. Making the kitchen sparkle? It’s fun to start, but seriously? Not interested.

I thrive on imagining and starting things and figuring out how to make things better.

He thrives on decision making and galvanizing (or bringing people together).

Unfortunately this means our house is a disaster area most of the time. I still struggle with feeling like a complete failure when I sit back and take in my messy house. Shouldn’t any remotely responsible adult be able to keep a house clean?

To make things worse a neighbor girl and her mom popped by one day and neighbor girl exclaimed: “why is your house so messy?” Major shame trigger.

I curtly (hopefully not TOO curtly) told her that I don’t clean my house on the weekend. Which is mostly true - It’s not that I don’t clean. It’s that the cleaning is never finished and I just give up. Or I just don’t do - especially on the weekends. Because really - why waste your time when you could be out playing or gardening or doing ANYTHING else?

So you’re probably wondering what this has to do with flowers?

Yeah, I was too until I heard someone say the reason they love flowers in their home is because it makes their house feel clean even when it’s not.

When I heard that I perked up! First off - there’s someone else without a clean home?!

And second - they’re SO RIGHT. Although I hadn’t put my finger on it - I too feel a sense of peace amidst the clutter, toys, crayons and laundry when a vase of flowers are in the room.

Isn’t that amazing?!

Do you feel this?

How do you feel when you have a vase of flowers in your home?

If you now know you NEED flowers CLICK HERE to learn all about our summer bouquet subscription!


Hatcher's Pass Elopement Flowers


May 20th Photo Garden Tour