inspiration Greta Lewanski inspiration Greta Lewanski

Looking Ahead to a New Decade with SMART Goals

Although I just read on my NPR app that not all are in agreement that on January 1st we will begin a new decade…

I am celebrating!

Bring on the 20’s!!

I’m not big on resolutions BUT am focusing on goal setting for the new year.

To focus my goals I’ve divided them into three categories:

1) Personal

2) Business

3) Financial

Then I’ve brainstormed 3-5 in each category that are meaningful to me. Some are really BIG and feel a little scary to write down. Others are smaller but still important.

A business mentor told me that you need to set BIG goals (that may not seem realistic) in order to push yourself to become a different person in pursuing them. Not all mine are in the category of BIG but read on as I share a few that I’ll be working on in 2020!

Canva - Dream Big Set Goals Take Action, Inspirational motivation quote.jpg

In my business category I’m aiming to TRIPLE my sales! This is BIG, this is HUGE and I will have to change a lot about me and my business to get there. But I’m ready :) I’ve got a few others in this category but this is the one I really wanted to share just to get it out there into the world.

In my personal life I’m keeping my desk clean! 75% of the time my desk is covered with mail, junk, kids coloring (not junk), broken toys, sewing projects, cassette tapes (seriously!), etc. Not in 2020! I need a clean place to work EVERY DAY. Desk cleaning will now be a part of my evening tidying-up ritual.

I feel a little shy about sharing my financial goals because these feel very personal but I’ll just say that I’ve been working on setting these in 1 year, 1-5 year, 5-10 year and 10+ year categories. This might be my hardest category but I’m excited to get them written down. Jason and I will be sitting down shortly to share these with each other, throw some out, and plan how to make the rest come true!

After I hone in on my goals I’m writing them in my shiny new 2020 planner so I can look at them every morning.

Now it’s your turn!

Set aside 30 minutes to set some goals that feel really meaningful to you.

You can use my categories or come up with your own.

Remember to make them SMART to help make them real and relevant:

  • S (specific)

  • M (measurable)

  • A (achievable)

  • R (relevant)

  • T (time-bound)

If you want to read more on how to use SMART to set your goals there is loads out there on the internet - just google it!

Have fun and Happy New Year!

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